Specific Brakes for Specific Industries: What Brake Does Your Crane Need?
When deciding on a crane brake, there are numerous factors to take into consideration. The application and the environment your crane operates in can all play a role in deciding which brake is right for your crane.
In this blog post, we dive into the main uses of crane brakes and some of the major considerations to take into account when finding the right industrial brake for your crane.
How Crane Brakes Work and Where They Are Used
Crane brakes serve an important purpose in ensuring the safety of a crane’s operation. Cranes can often include a variety of brake types such as overhead crane brakes, hoist crane brakes, and more.
One primary usage for crane brakes is as a holding and emergency brake. These brakes are used to ensure that the crane does not drop any of the materials it is currently carrying. Brakes are also used in cranes to provide emergency braking in case the primary brake fails, and as a secondary brake on the low-speed side of the drum. It is typical for cranes to be installed near large bodies of water where wind speeds can be very high. In the event of high winds, cranes also require rail clamp systems or rail brake locking / holding devices in addition to the brake systems mentioned here.
Wherever you find cranes, you can be sure there is a system of brakes working in tandem to provide safe operation. Some of the most common industries we provide crane brakes to include the steel, mining, and manufacturing industries.
Things to Consider When Deciding on a Crane Brake
When deciding on a crane brake, it is crucial to consider the application that the brake is being used for. Whether the brake is used as a primary, holding, or emergency brake can all play a role in making your decision. The power requirement, Electric, Hydraulic, Pneumatic or even manual actuation is another factor that helps determine the type of brake selection.
Another important factor to consider would be the crane’s operating environment. Indoor or outdoor usage as well as the ambient temperature of the work area should all be considered when selecting a new brake.
Lastly are the more technical elements of the brake. Duty cycles, heat dissipation abilities, and the required torque of the application are important factors that should be researched before deciding on a brake.
Finding the Right Brake with Our Crane Braking Experts
If safety is your priority when it comes to crane brakes, contact the crane braking experts at Johnson Industries. For decades, Johnson Industries has been providing quality-crafted industrial brake systems to industries across the world. Our industry experts would be happy to help you find a crane brake that is suited to your application.
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